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Pbss s s s s s s

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And if you believe, as I do, that you want the right to end your suffering at a time you choose, I support you 100 percent. If you wish to have every single option that medical science can provide, I support you 100 percent. If you believe that only God should be the decider, I support you 100%. My philosophy in this matter is to respect that singularly personal moment for each of us. A Question of ToleranceĪs to Rehm’s personal views, an excerpt from her 2019 testimony strikes a chord: Even supporters of the practice should acknowledge it could have far different applications for individuals not as affluent, or as well-educated, as Rehm and her late husband. Whether individuals with disabilities, those with low incomes, or racial and ethnic minorities with a history of mistreatment from medical practitioners, assisted suicide could prompt a move from some segments in society - from insurance companies to government bureaucrats - that encourages, or even pushes, the weakest to take their own lives. From an African-American minister Rehm interviewed for the program to footage of Maryland legislators questioning her in 2019, these skeptics highlighted a key problem with legalizing assisted suicide - namely, that it could exploit the vulnerable. Giving time, albeit late in the program, to opponents of assisted suicide brought an important perspective into the debate. One gets the impression that if Rehm hadn’t referenced her 2019 testimony before the Maryland legislature - where she supported a bill allowing doctors to prescribe fatal doses of narcotics that ultimately failed on a tie vote - she might have entirely glossed over the reasons people oppose assisted suicide. Rehm didn’t interview any opponents of assisted suicide until roughly two-thirds of the way into the program. Indeed, for a program broadcast on a taxpayer-funded network, much of its contents seemed one-sided, even by PBS standards. Rehm subsequently agreed to scale back her public advocacy efforts. It seems unsurprising that a special hosted by someone considered one of the leading proponents of assisted suicide would take a largely positive tone towards a procedure she referred to in the program as “aid-in-dying.” In 2015, while still a host at NPR, the network’s ombudsman criticized Rehm for potentially violating ethical standards by appearing at fundraisers for Compassion and Choices, an assisted-suicide group. Also, in this case, there is much that Rehm’s special either did not emphasize or left out entirely. The PB_SV_PLIST command used to display information about connected players has a column called "RecentSS" which shows the number of requests for each player within the last 10 minutes.Īs for the second part of your statement - "your problem" - that's not necessarily true either.That said, anecdotes do not always lead to good policy outcomes. Also, PunkBuster will not allow more than 3 screenshots to be requested from each player within any 10 minute period, nor allow a screenshot to be requested within 30 seconds of the previous request.

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If you set your parameters (described below) to request images that contain more than 82,000 pixels, then PunkBuster will automatically reduce the image size until the actual capture fits within the limitation. First, each individual screenshot is limited to 82,000 pixels in an effort to keep image file sizes and transfer bandwidth requirements down.

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Pbss s s s s s s manual#

Note that regardless of the combination of manual and automatic screenshot requests submitted during gameplay, the PunkBuster system limits screen shots in two ways.

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